Fees: Are according to the model and type of aircraft used for the voyage, please consult with Horizon Travel employees for more details.
Horizon Travel works together with multiple airline service providers. These charter services can vary depending on business' and locations. Flights must be booked 48 hours in advance and any special charters need to be booked at least 5 days in advance. That way the companies can provide the appropriate models for the flight.
好瑞真旅游和多家航空公司合作,推出全球范围内的包机服务,包括:普通商务包机,度假(旅游)包机,特种包机。商务、旅游的包机业务,只要提前 48 小时即可预订。特种包机主要是指医疗包机,至少提前 5 天预订,以便于安排合适的机种。