Hours Open: Open all year round
Locations: Most cities in the United States
Fees: Fees will be according to each itinerary, please consult with the specific horizon travel employees in advance
Locations: Most cities in the United States
Fees: Fees will be according to each itinerary, please consult with the specific horizon travel employees in advance
These Recreational Vehicles are like min-houses fitted with a bedroom, bathroom, living room and an open kitchen. Enjoy the scenery through the many windows on all sides of the RV. The inside decorations will make you feel as if you are traveling from home. However, this home can stop anywhere from beaches to lakes to in the middle of the forest. While traveling take advantage of the surround sound speakers and watch videos on their DVD players.
房车,也称旅居车,英文全称Recreational Vehicle,简称RV。RV跟缩小版的房子一样,大体可分为自行式与拖挂式两种,一般都有卧室,装了座厕、盥洗台、浴缸的卫生间,客厅,开放式厨房。客厅里两边都有大窗,方便随时随地欣赏路上的风景,地上铺着浅黄色的地毯,奶黄的软包内壁再配以原木装饰,确实有一种家的味道。
驾驶者可以随意停靠在远离城市的沙滩、湖岸、草地、山坡、森林中,同时又拥有城市的生活方式:自己做可口的饭菜、洗个热腾腾的澡、睡柔软舒服的床、看电视、听音乐、放DVD等。 |