开放时间:全年分季节开放。 费用: 定制价格, 具体请咨询好瑞真旅游
Open hours: Open all year round. Fees: Customized prices, please contact us for details
Safety tips: STRICT compliance with the safety rules for your protection.
Safety tips: STRICT compliance with the safety rules for your protection.
钓鱼是一项优雅而且考验耐心的户外活动,想来一次垂钓探险之旅吗?你是真正的Fishing Geek(钓鱼极客)吗?无论您选择在哪里下杆,您都将置身于世界上最质朴纯净的一些地区。您可以乘坐水上飞机,前往富有传奇色彩的垂钓小岛,垂钓太平洋野生的各种鱼类。当您身处包机垂钓的湖泊/海域中欣赏绝佳的美景时,如果咬钩的是北美最大的淡水野生鱼,拖其上岸可要花费不少力气,但是心中充满的是胜利的喜悦。您可以站在北美原始荒原的清澈小溪中练习捉鱼和放生,认真地品味那份孤独与平静。
Fishing is the most elegant and patient of the outdoor activities. You want to go on a fishing adventure trip? Are you a fishing fanatic? No matter where you choose, we will put you in the world's most pristine and pure areas. You can take a seaplane and head to the legendary fishing island, home to a wide variety of wild fish. When you are in the charter fishing lake, you can enjoy the wonderful scenery, and get a chance to catch the largest freshwater wild fish in North America. Getting it to shore may take a lot of effort, but the experience is well worth it. You can stand in the original wilderness of North America to practice catch-and-release fishing and enjoy peace and solitude.