好瑞真旅游订购网(horizonglobaltravel.com)是一个提供目的地旅游产品的电子订购平台,汇集具有相关资质目的地供应商的优质产品供您选择、订购。 请在使用好瑞真旅游订购网平台服务前仔细阅读本《客户协议》中的各项条款,以确保您全面了解双方的权益和责任。一旦您使用了好瑞真旅游订购网平台服务,您的使用行为将被视为对本协议全部内容的认可。 I. 您的权益 您在行程中,可以自行决定是否参加自选自费项目(不包括行程中已说明的必付自费项目),目的地供应商不可强制您参加。 II. 您的责任 在订购好瑞真旅游订购网平台上的任何一款产品前, 您有责任阅读与该产品相关的所有信息和声明,包括但不限于:产品价格、行程详情、出发地点、团费明细、行前须知,取消订购和退款政策及其他与该产品相关的信息。一旦您订购成功,我们将认为您已仔细阅读、充分理解并完全同意所有与该产品相关的上述信息。 您在订购时,请确保留下正确畅通的联系方式,包括但不限于手机、电话、邮件等。如因缺失联系方式,或未能及时查看留言和邮箱,或不回复我们给您发送邮件而造成行程信息未能及时传达给您,由此产生的费用或责任好瑞真旅游订购网将不予承担。 您应在自己能够控制风险的范围内选择目的地活动产品,并对自己的安全负责;如参加具有风险的目的地活动产品(包括但不限于:浮潜、冲浪、漂流等水上活动以及骑马、攀岩、登山等高风险的活动)或患有不宜出行旅游的病情(包括但不限于:恶性肿瘤、心血管病、高血压、呼吸系统疾病、癫痫、怀孕、精神疾病、身体残疾、糖尿病、传染性疾病、慢性疾病健康受损),须在预定前自行前往医疗机构体检后,确保自身身体条件能够完成本次活动项目。好瑞真不承担由此造成任何人身意外及不良后果。 您必须是年满18岁或以上的个体。如果未满18岁,您可以在父母或法律监护人的带领下参加行程。 III. 订购和付款流程 1. 填写订单。选定行程后,在该行程页面填写基本信息,系统会自动为您计算相应的价格。点击“我要订购”完成详细的订单信息并结算。 2. 网上支付。网站目前支持美金、人民币、欧元及加币支付,并提供三种付款方式,包括:信用卡、财付通支付、PayPal支付和汇票或现金支票支付。支付完成后,您的注册邮箱会立即收到好瑞真旅游订购网给您发送的[预订单]。订购者有义务核对并确保[预订单]的信息正确。 3. 等待确认。在您成功支付的2个工作日内,我们会为您发送[电子旅行凭证]。一旦您收到[电子旅行凭证],即意味着您的订单已经被确认。此时如果您需要更改或取消订单,请参看更改取消条款。如果您所订购的行程因为人数已满或未达到指定出发人数而不能确认,我们将全额退款。在这里,建议您在收到[电子旅行凭证]后再订购机票。 4. 获取[电子旅行凭证]。一旦您的预定得到确认,我们会向您的注册邮箱发送[电子旅行凭证]。您需要打印[电子旅行凭证],并于参加行程当日随身携带。 5. 如您在订购后24小时內,发现在好瑞真订购的目的地旅行团和活动产品降价促销,且您的行程未开始,您可以在订购后的24小时内致电我们申请差价退款,并将订单号、降价促销的产品编号或网址发送至[email protected]。经核实符合条件后,我们会在7个工作日内酌情为您安排退款。 IV. 行程更改取消 一旦您收到[电子旅行凭证],即意味着您的订单已经被确认。此时如果您需要更改或取消订单,请下载填写《更改/取消表格》,将填写完整并附有签名的表格通过电子邮件,或传真,或书面邮寄的方式告知好瑞真旅游订购网。取消、更改和修改订单,会有相应费用产生。具体退费标准如下: 1. 目的地旅行团更改和取消条例 1-1 取消、更改订单 以下情况适用于取消、更改订单退费标准: - 减少参加行程人数 - 取消整张订单 - 更改行程 - 更改同一行程的不同参加日期 取消/更改时间 退费标准 行程开始前31天或以上 退还费用的90% 行程开始前15-30天(包括第30天) 退还费用的75% 行程开始前8-14天(包括第14天) 退还费用的50% 行程开始前7天内(包括第7天) 不退还任何费用 *费用:指订购时最终产生的基础团费,不包括自费项目、酒店加定和酒店升级费用等特殊费用。 *自费项目更改取消条例视具体产品而定,详情请参见旅行团产品详情页的【订购须知】板块的【温馨提示】/【变更条例】部分。 *酒店升级和酒店加订项目,一经订购,不可更改取消。 *以上更改取消条例适用于好瑞真网站普遍团品,个别团更改取消条例请参考产品详情页内【订购须知】板块的【变更条例】部分。 1-2 修改订单 以下情况适用于修改订单收费标准 - 增加参加行程的人数 - 修改参加行程人的姓名 - 在仍能被确认的情况下更换同级酒店或自选行程的情况下更换同级酒店或自选行程 修改时间 退费标准 行程开始前7天或以上 每份订单收取50美金订单修改费用 行程开始前7天以内 无法修改订单 行程开始当日及行程开始后的任何修改 不退还任何费用 1-3 【72小时免费改退】标签产品取消条例: 1-3-1 用距离出发日期7天或以上的旅行产品(天数计算方式:从订单订购日次日算起至出团前一日) 1-3-2 适用 1-3-1 条款的订单,只有一次免费更改或者取消(包含部分取消)的机会。 2. 目的地活动产品更改和取消条例 2-1 目的地活动产品(包括但不限于:演艺门票、景点门票、城市通票等)订单一经确认,不可做任何取消和更改,好瑞真不退还任何费用。 2-2 任何客人如在活动当日缺席或在中途提前离开,将被视作自动放弃。 2-3 如产品[订购须知]中有特别说明取消和更改条例的,按照每个产品中的具体规定执行。 3. 游轮产品更改和取消条例 取消/更改时间 退费标准 行程开始前31天或以上 退还费用的50% 行程开始前30天内(包括第30天) 不退还任何费用 4. 包团定制产品更改和取消条例 取消/更改时间 退费标准 行程开始前31天或以上 退还费用的90% 行程开始前8-30天(包括第30天) 退还费用的50% 行程开始前7天内(包括第7天) 不退还任何费用 *以上产品如涉及预付的目的地活动产品(包括但不限于:演艺门票、景点门票、城市通票等),订单一经确认,不可做任何取消和更改,好瑞真不退还任何费用。 5. 酒店产品更改和取消条例 取消/更改时间 退费标准 入住日期前8天或以上 退还费用的90% 入住日期前7天(包括第7天) 不退还任何费用 *以上条例不适用于在第三方网站-好瑞真合作伙伴上的订购。请以当事网站的更改和取消条例为准。好瑞真不承担您与第三方网站相关的任何法律责任。 6. 签证产品更改和取消条例 客人在预定付款后,相关办理材料一经提交即产生签证费用,不可做任何取消和更改,好瑞真不退还任何费用。 7. 团购/秒杀特惠产品更改和取消条例 团购/秒杀特惠产品为好瑞真精选的优质热销产品,在特惠期间,适用如下特别更改和取消条例: 7-1 取消、更改订单 以下情况适用于取消、更改订单退费标准: - 减少参加行程人数 - 取消整张订单 - 更改行程 - 更改同一行程的不同参加日期 取消/更改时间 退费标准 行程开始前31天或以上 退还费用的90% 行程开始前30天内(包括第30天) 不退还任何费用 7-2 修改订单 以下情况适用于修改订单收费标准 - 增加参加行程的人数 - 修改参加行程人的姓名 - 在仍能被确认的情况下更换同级酒店或自选行程 修改时间 收费标准 行程开始前31天或以上 每份订单收取50美金订单修改费用 行程开始前30天内(包括第30天) 无法修改订单 8. 保险产品更改和取消条例 保险产品均由好瑞真合作的具有保险销售资质的第三方网站提供,请以第三方网站的更改和取消条例为准。好瑞真不承担您与第三方网站相关的任何法律责任。 9. 退款 9-1 好瑞真在收到填写完整并附有签名的《更改/取消表格》的3个工作日内处理更改和取消请求,退款实际到账时间以各银行处理时间为准。 9-2 退款时,好瑞真按照更改取消条例中的相关条款,以交易时的订单美金金额进行结算退款,并将相应款项退回至用户原支付交易账户;如使用非美金币种支付的,退款时由此造成汇兑及手续费损失,需用户自行承担,好瑞真仅以交易时的订单美金金额为基准,进行相应的退款。 备注: * 关于目的地旅行团酒店和接送机服务的加订,一经确认,费用无法退还。 * 目的地旅行团行程开始后,客人如自行拼房,好瑞真不退还任何费用。 * 对于使用“买二送一”、“买二送二”优惠的订单,如在行程确认后进行修改或取消,费用将按取消和修改条款进行收费。如享有优惠参加行程的人于发团当天缺席,将根据每个行程设定的标准对其收取一定数量的罚金。罚金将由导游以现金的方式从其他参加行程人处收取。 * 如行程包含机票,订单确认后,航班无法作任何更改(包括姓名、时间、飞行线路、航班号等)。如取消订单,恕无退还机票费用。 * 如产品[订购须知]中有特别说明取消和更改条例的,按照每个产品中的具体规定执行。 * 在极少的特殊情况下,供应商可能会取消/更改行程。在这种情况下,我们会及时通知您并提供其他可选行程,如果您不满意我们所建议的其他行程,我们将全额退款。 * 取消/更改时间计算不包括出发当天及[email protected]收到取消/更改表格当天。 * 行程开始后,好瑞真不再接受退还费用的申请。任何人在行程开始当天缺席,我们不退还任何费用。 * 如由好瑞真不可控之原因,包括但不限于:航班延误或取消、交通意外、车辆抛锚、天气等其它一些不可控之原因导致您改变、延迟或取消行程,好瑞真将尽力协助安排,但不负责由此导致的任何损失。 * 请将填写完整并附有签名的《更改/取消表格》通过以下电子邮件的方式告知好瑞真旅游订购网。 邮箱:[email protected] V. 不可抗力导致的行程更改或取消 行程的安排会尽量与网站所列的行程详情保持一致,但是为了保证您的行程安全,在罕见的特殊情况下,包括但不限于灾害性天气、交通、暴动、传染性病毒及其它一些无法控制的原因,好瑞真旅游订购网和目的地产品供应商保留对行程更改、推迟和取消的权利。 由于不可抗力,包括但不限于设备及交通工具故障、罢工、疾病、失窃、走失、意外事故、天气等,或其他个人原因造成您行程改变、延迟或取消,好瑞真旅游订购网不承担任何责任;由于以上不可抗原因所导致行程延误或取消的额外费用,好瑞真旅游订购网不做任何补偿;由于以上原因导致您个人身体或生命有所损伤时,好瑞真旅游订购网不承担任何法律责任。 VI. 好瑞真旅游订购网权益 为维护团体共同利益,旅客若有妨碍行程正常活动的情况,好瑞真旅游订购网和目的地产品供应商有权取消其继续参加行程的资格,其未完的行程,不得要求退款或转让。 如由于个人原因,参加行程人要求使用部分产品服务,或中途离开行程,好瑞真旅游订购网将尽力协助安排,但不负责由此导致的任何损失。 供应商对行程中的部分自费项目设有最低成行人数要求,如当日人数未达到要求,供应商有权取消该自费项目,好瑞真不负责由此导致的任何损失。 好瑞真旅游订购网不对任何由于您和目的地供应商,或任何其它第三方的纠纷而引起的损失负责。好瑞真旅游订购网保留追究任何以不当言论对好瑞真旅游订购网构成负面影响的相关人的法律责任的权利。 VII. 纠纷解决 好瑞真旅游订购网是一个电子旅游订购平台,列出的旅游产品都是由好瑞真旅游订购网审核通过的具有相关资质的目的地供应商提供。因此,对于您预定的产品中出现的瑕疵等问题,好瑞真旅游订购网不承担任何责任,但好瑞真旅游订购网将尽力协助您与相关目的地供应商进行协商。 如您在参加行程过程中对于目的地供应商的服务存在争议,请先与导游进行友好协商,并及时联系我们。行程结束后的投诉,如无详实的证据,好瑞真旅游订购网保留不予受理的权益。 VIII. 其它 1. 隐私及数据 好瑞真旅游订购网尊重并保护所有使用好瑞真旅游订购网平台您的个人隐私权。在未得到您的许可之前,我们承诺不会将您的个人信息对外披露或向第三方提供。好瑞真旅游订购网只将您的信息用于处理订单及其它必要的后续服务。详见使用和隐私条款。 2. 旅游保险 为了确保您在旅游过程中权益得到保障,好瑞真旅游订购网强烈推荐您购买医疗、行程取消、航班延误以及行李等保险项目。好瑞真旅游订购网不对旅途中发生的意外事故承担任何责任,包括航班取消延误,丢失或损坏物品,个人身体或生命损伤等。解决事宜会遵循航空公司、酒店和公共汽车公司等指定的规则。 3. 参加行程人健康状况 为保证旅游计划的顺利操作,好瑞真旅游订购网建议旅客须有良好的健康状况。请就您的健康状况和长途旅行的能力与您的医生商榷。如有任何需要特殊治疗或照顾的体力上和精神上的无力和伤残,在订购时必须说明,为了团体的利益,好瑞真旅游订购网和目的地供应商保留不接纳在体力上或精神上不适合长途旅行的客人的权利。 4. 护照和签证 参加行程人有责任携带所有“进入”或“经由”所选路线中国家所必须的旅行证件。不同国籍的人有不同的入境规定,参加行程人需要自行了解相关政策。好瑞真旅游订购网不承担通知参加行程人其旅游目的地国家通行所需证件的责任。参加行程人要自行承担由于缺少旅行证件而造成的行程推迟与更改的所有费用。参加行程人应当严格遵守法律以及目的地国家政府所发布的法规,包括移民和海关法律条例等。好瑞真旅游订购网不对参加行程人由于违反游览国家政府法规而产生的任何惩罚或罚款负责。 5. 版权说明 好瑞真旅游订购网拥有网站内所有信息内容(除目的地供应商提供的行程信息外)的版权。未经好瑞真旅游订购网许可,任何人不得擅自(包括但不限于:以非法的方式复制、传播、展示、镜像、上载、下载)使用。否则,好瑞真旅游订购网将依法追究法律责任。 好瑞真旅游订购网尊重合法版权,反对侵权盗版。若本网有部分文字、摄影作品等侵害了您的权益,在此深表歉意,请您立即将侵权链接及侵权信息邮件至[email protected],我们会尽快与您联系并尽快移除相关涉嫌侵权的内容。 6. 免责声明 好瑞真旅游订购网是一个提供目的地旅游产品的电子订购平台,为了提升您的一站式订购体验,我们提供合作供应商页面或将您带往相关产品服务提供商网站。您了解并同意好瑞真旅游订购网上来自于第三方网站的链接,您可能从该第三方网页上获得资讯及享用服务,但好瑞真旅游订购网不承担您与第三方网站相关的任何法律责任。 好瑞真旅游订购网将尽力给顾客提供正确、完善和最新的信息,但也不排除会有一些技术和排版上的错误存在。顾客在使用前有义务进行核实。我们有权在不提前通知的情况下作任何修改和更新。 IX. 法律声明 此《订购协议》视为您与好瑞真旅游订购网之间的协议。此协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用美国犹他之法律内容。如双方就本协议内容或其执行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向好瑞真旅游订购网所在地的法院提起诉讼。如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。好瑞真旅游订购网未行使或执行本服务协议任何权利或规定,不构成对前述权利或规定之放弃。好瑞真旅游订购网保留对此《客户协议》的最终解释权。 |
Customer User Agreement
Horizonglobaltravel.com is an electronic ordering platform that provides destination travel products, bringing together quality products from qualified suppliers for you to choose from. Please read the terms of this Customer Agreement carefully before using the website to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the interests and responsibilities of both parties. By using Horizon Travel Group’s website, you are agreeing to comply to the following terms and agreements. I. Your interests You may decide whether or not to participate in the self-selected project (excluding the payments already made). The destination provider cannot force you to attend. II. Your responsibility You are responsible for reading all information and statements relating to the product, including but not limited to: product price, itinerary details, departure location, tour details, and line, prior to ordering any product on Horizon Travel Group’s website. This includes the cancellation of the order and refund policy and other information related to the product. By placing the order, you are stating that you have carefully read, fully understood, and fully agree with all information related to the product. When you order, please make sure you leave the correct contact information, including but not limited to mobile phones, telephone, mail and so on. Horizon Travel Group will not be responsible for any failure to contact the recipient regarding the customer’s purchase if the proper contact information is not provided. The costs and consequences will be the responsibility of the customer if this is the case. (Pertaining to, but not limited to: water sports such as snorkeling, surfing, rafting, and the like, as well as horseback riding, recreational activities, etc.) In the event that you are responsible for your own physical safety due to a preexisting condition (Including but not limited to: malignancy, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, epilepsy, pregnancy, mental illness, physical disability, diabetes mellitus, infection, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic diseases, and so on), the customer must receive proper professional medical approval before participating in any physical activities. This is to ensure their physical condition is able to handle the physical activities they wish to participate in. Horizon Travel does not assume responsibility for any personal accident and the adverse consequences. You must be an individual who is 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years old, you must be accompanied on the trip with your parents or legal guardian. III. Order and payment process 1. Fill in the order. After the selecting the itinerary, fill in the basic information on the itinerary, the system will automatically calculate the corresponding price for you. Click "I want to order" to complete the detailed order information and settle it. 2. Online payment. The website currently supports US Dollars, Chinese Renminbi, the Euro, and Canadian Dollars, and offers three payment options, including: credit card, PayPal payment, PayPal payment and money order, cash, or check. Once the payment is complete, your registration email will be received immediately. [Order]. The subscriber is obliged to check and ensure that the information for the [reservation order] is correct. Wait for confirmation. We will send you an [e - travel voucher] within 2 business days of your successful payment. Once you receive the [e-travel voucher], it means that your order has been confirmed. At this point, if you need to change or cancel the order, please see the change cancellation clause. If the order you placed is not confirmed because of overbooking or cannot meet the specified number of departures, we will refund the full amount. It is recommended that you order a plane ticket after receiving an [e-travel voucher]. 4. Obtain [e-travel voucher]. Once your booking is confirmed, we will send an e-travel voucher to your registered email. You need to print [e-travel voucher] and carry it on the day of your trip. 5. If you have placed an order on your destination tour and event product discounts within 24 hours of ordering, and your trip has not started, you can call us within 24 hours of ordering, and send the product number or URL for the order number, price promotion, to [email protected]. After verification, we will arrange a refund within 7 working days as appropriate. IV. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy Reschedule and Cancellation Regulations are an integral part of the customer agreement of Horizon Global Travel Group (also horizonglobaltravel.com), and you have agreed to All content of Reschedule and Cancellation Regulations at the same time you agree with User Agreement. Once you received the conformation via email/hardcopy or any other media, it means that your order has been confirmed. If you want to reschedule or cancel your trip/tour at this moment, please fill out this form: ‘Form of Reschedule or Cancellation’, then sigh and send this from via email/fax/physical-mail to inform Horizon Global Travel Group (also horizonglobaltravel.com). Cancellation, reschedule, and change tour content will cost additional fee related to the Reschedule and Cancellation Policy and the corresponding product. Here is detailed Fee Charging/Refund Criteria and Policies
- Reduce the number of participants/guests - Cancel the whole order - Change the itinerary - Change the time/date based on the same itinerary Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 31 days before trip start (Days≧ 31) Refund 90% of the Total Expense* 15-30 days before trip start (15≦Days≦30) Refund 75% of the Total Expense* 8-14 days before trip start (8≦Days≦14) Refund 50% of the Total Expense* 7 days before trip start (Days ≦ 7) Refund is not available *the Total Expense is the basic tour price list on our website, what people paid for their order, not including optional items/itinerary, add-on items/itinerary, additional rooms of the hotel, hotel upgrades and other special costs. *Definition of optional items, add-on items, and other situation is based on the criteria. *Please refer to the "Tips" section and the "Order Notice" section to know more detailed description of optional items/itinerary, add-on items/itinerary. *Once additional rooms of the hotel, hotel upgrades are ordered, reschedule and refund is not available. *The above regulations only apply to the general/normal group tours, other individual/customized group tours are applying on corresponding product descriptions. (2) Changing order Only following situation applies to a Changing order - Increase the number of participants/guests - Change the name of participants/guests - Change same-class hotel, optional items/itinerary when they are available to change/conform. Changing Time/Date Refund Criteria 8 days before trip start (Days ≧ 8) $50 Changing Fee for Each Order 7 days before trip start (Days ≦ 7) Changing order is not available The starting date or during the trip Changing order is not available and Refund is not available
(1) Once the destination activities (including but not limited to show/museum tickets, park pass/tickets, city passes and so on) order has conformed, no Changing/Cancellation nor refund is available. (2) Any guest who leaves on the day of the event or leaves in the middle of the event will be deemed to be automatically given up. (3) If the product has a special note [Ordering Information] to cancel and change, in accordance with the specific provisions of each product implementation. 3. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for Cruise ship products Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 31 days before trip start (Days≧ 31) Refund 50% of the Total Expense* 30 days before trip start (Days ≦30) Refund is not available 4. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for Bundle/package customization tour Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 31 days before trip start (Days≧ 31) Refund 90% of the Total Expense* 8-30 days before trip start (8≦Days≦30) Refund 50% of the Total Expense* 7 days before trip start (Days ≦ 7) Refund is not available *Once the destination activities (including but not limited to show/museum tickets, park pass/tickets, city passes and so on) included in the order which has been conformed, no Changing/Cancellation nor refund is available. 5. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for transportations (1)Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for transportations Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 8 days before trip start (Days≧ 8) Refund 90% of the Total Expense* 7 days before trip start (Days ≦7) Refund is not available (2)Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for rental-transportations Rental-transportation(including but not limited to car, RV, boat and so on)products are provided by a third party website, subject to change and cancellation of the website. Horizon Global Travel does not assume any liability for any third-party website. 6. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for hotel products Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 8 days before trip start (Days≧ 8) Refund 90% of the Total Expense* 7 days before trip start (Days ≦7) Refund is not available *Hotel products are provided by a third party website, subject to change and cancellation of the website. Horizon Global Travel does not assume any liability for any third-party website. 7. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for Visa products After booking visa service, and transaction occurs when order is conformed, customer will not be able to cancel or change, and no refund is available. 8. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for Group-buy/ Special discount products (1) Reschedule and Cancellation Only following situation applies to cancel, change order and get refund based on the criteria. - Reduce the number of participants/guests - Cancel the whole order - Change the itinerary - Change the time/date based on the same itinerary Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 31 days before trip start (Days≧ 31) Refund 50% of the Total Expense* 30 days before trip start (Days ≦30) Refund is not available (2) Changing order Only following situation applies to a Changing order - Increase the number of participants/guests - Change the name of participants/guests - Change same-class hotel, optional items/itinerary when they are available to change/conform. Reschedule/Cancellation Time/Date Refund Criteria 31 days before trip start (Days≧ 31) $50 Changing Fee for Each Order 30 days before trip start (Days ≦30) Refund is not available 9. Reschedule and Cancellation Policy for insurance products Insurance products are provided by a third-party website, subject to change and cancellation of the website. Horizon Global Travel does not assume any liability for any third-party website. 10. Refund (1) In 3 business days of receipt of the completed ‘Form of Reschedule or Cancellation’, horizon global travel group will process the change and cancel request, and the refund date will be based on the bank processing time. (2) When the refund is requested, the Company shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Reschedule and Cancellation Policy/regulations, a refund of the amount of US dollar deposited at the time of the ordering transaction, and the corresponding refund back to the user's original payment method; If the original payment is not based on US dollars, costumer will pay for the exchange rate fee and other corresponding fee, Horizon Global Travel only use US Dollar as transaction currency. In Addition: * On the destination tour group, once additional hotel room and shuttle service has been confirmed, cannot be refunded. * After the tour begins, refund will not available if costumer want to reduce the number of the rooms. * For ‘buy2get1free’or ‘buy2get2free’ or other kinds of discount orders, if change or cancel after the conformation of the order, fee will occur based on the Reschedule and Cancellation Policy. Additional fee/ a certain amount of penalty will be charged for the absence of the guests, it is based on the criteria set for each itinerary. The penalty will be collected by the tour guide in cash from other participants. * If the itinerary contains the airplane ticket, the order cannot make any changes (including name, time, flight line, flight number, etc.) after order confirmation. If you cancel your order, you will not be refunded. * If the product [Ordering Information] has a special note as cancel/ change regulations, in accordance with the specific provisions of each product implementation. * In very rare cases, the supplier may cancel / change the itinerary. In this case, we will promptly notify you and provide other optional itineraries. If you are not satisfied with the other itinerary we have suggested, we will refund the full amount. * Cancel / change date/time calculation does not include departure day and the day horizonglobaltravel.com receive cancellation / change form. * After the start of the trip, the company will no longer accept the refund requests. Any person who is absent on the day of the trip and will not get any refund. * Any uncontrollable reasons, including but not limited to: flight delays or cancellations, traffic accidents, vehicle anchors, weather and other uncontrollable reasons cause you to change, delay or cancel the trip, we will try to help rearrange, but is not responsible for any loss resulting therefrom. * Please download this form: ‘Form of Reschedule or Cancellation’, then sigh and send this from via email/fax/physical-mail to inform Horizon Global Travel Group if necessary. VI. HORIZON TRAVEL GROUP Ordering Rights and Interests In order to safeguard the common interests of the group, if a passenger has obstructed the normal activities of the trip, Horizon Travel Group and the destination product supplier shall have the right to cancel their eligibility to participate in the itinerary, and shall not request a refund or transfer. If, for personal reasons, any participant is required to use some of the products and services, or leave the trip halfway, Horizon Travel Group will endeavor to assist the arrangement, but shall not be responsible for any loss resulting therefrom. The supplier has the minimum number of requirements for the part of the project at its own expense. If the number of people does not meet the requirements, the supplier shall have the right to cancel the self-financed item. HORIZON TRAVEL GROUP SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR THE LOSS OF ANY VEHICLE OR SUPPLIES BELONGING TO HORIZON TRAVEL, CUSTOMERS, OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY. Horizon Travel has the right to hold any person responsible for such actions accountable. VII. Dispute Resolution Horizon Travel Group’s website is an electronic travel ordering platform. Listed tourism products by Horizon Travel Group network is approved by the relevant qualifications of the destination provider. As a result, we will not be held responsible for any defects in your intended product, but we will do our best to assist you in negotiating with the appropriate destination provider. If you are in the process of participating in a trip and have a conflict with the destination provider, please first politely consult with the tour guide, and quickly contact us. At the end of the complaint process, if there is insufficient evidence, Horizon Travel Group will declare the claim inadmissible. VIII. Other 1. privacy and data Horizon Travel Group will respect and protect all your personal privacy rights. We will not disclose your personal information or provide it to third parties without your permission. The company will only use your information to process orders and other necessary follow-up services. See the Terms of Use and Privacy. 2. travel insurance In order to ensure that your interests in the process of travel can be protected, it is strongly recommended that you buy medical care, travel cancellations, flight delays, baggage and other insurance items. Horizon Travel Group is not responsible for any accidents that may occur on the road, including delays in flight cancellations, loss of or damage to items, or physical harm. The customer must follow the rules specified by airlines, hotels and bus companies. 3. Participating traveler’s health status In order to ensure the smooth operation of the tourism plan, it is advisable for passengers to be in good health. Please discuss your health and long-distance travel with your doctor. If there is any physical or mental weakness or disability that require special treatment or care, it must be stated at the time of ordering that, for the benefit of the group. Horizon Travel Group and the destination supplier will not be responsible for any previous health conditions or physical limitations of any customer. Passport and visa It is the responsibility of the traveler to carry all travel documents necessary for the country to enter or "pass" the selected route. People of different nationalities have different immigration requirements. Participants need to understand their own policies. Horizon Travel Group does not assume the responsibility to participate in the travel destination country travel destination country required documents. Participants are required to bear all the costs of delays and changes due to lack of travel documents. Participants should strictly abide by the laws and regulations issued by the governments of destination countries, including immigration and customs laws and regulations. Horizon is not responsible for any penalties or fines arising from a violation of national government regulations. 5. Copyright notice The company owns all the information on the site (except for the travel information provided by the destination provider). Such examples of copyright information are, but are not limited to, copying, distributing, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading anything in an unauthorized manner without the express permission of the Company. Otherwise, Horizon Travel Group will hold the offender legally liable. Horizon Travel Group respects the legitimate copyright, and opposes piracy. We would like to ask that any infringement of information immediately be reported to [email protected] and we will contact you as soon as possible and remove the allegedly infringing content as soon as possible. 6. Disclaimer In order to enhance your one-stop ordering experience, we offer a partner supplier page that can take you to the relevant product service provider's website. You understand and agree that you will be able to obtain information and enjoy the services from the third party's website on a webpage from a third party's website. However, you will not be liable for any legal information relating to a third-party website responsibility. Horizon Travel Group will try to provide customers with correct, complete, and up-to-date information, but it does not rule out the existence of some technical and typographical errors. The customer is obliged to verify before use. We reserve the right to make any changes and updates without prior notice. IX. Legal Notices This "Subscription Agreement" is deemed to be an agreement between you and Horizon Travel Group. The conclusion, execution, and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes shall be governed by the legal organization of the United States of America. If there is any dispute between the parties regarding the contents of this Agreement or its execution, the parties shall negotiate with each other as soon as possible. If the consultation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit in the court where the site is located. The remainder of this Agreement shall remain in force and binding if any of the terms of this Agreement are wholly or partly voided or of no enforcement for any reason whatsoever. Any right or provision of the Service Agreement does not constitute or waive the foregoing rights or regulations. Horizon Travel Group reserves the right to the final interpretation of this "Customer Agreement". |